Isabelle GuilfoyleRegistered Dietitian and Nutritionist

My approach is focused on non-judgemental care for progressive improvement towards sustainable personal well-being.
Constantly under a flow of contradictory information and various wild pieces of advice ? Only a nutrition specialist can help you see more clearly.
Meeting a registered dietitian and nutritionist is the best step to find a better balance to mix the pleasure of eating and healthy eating.

Body weight modification or maintenance.

Cardiovascular diseases, excess cholesterol and/or triglycerides
Type 1 or 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
Liver steatosis (fatty liver disease)
Digestive issues

Food allergies
Coeliac disease (member of ALIG and AFDIAG,)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (ICD) : Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Food intolerances such as lactose, fructose, gluten, FODMAPS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastro-enteral reflux

Optimisation of sports performance and recovery in endurance and/or strength (University degree in Sports Nutrition).
Vegetarian, vegan diets

Vegatarian and vegan friendly !
Stages of life

Pregnant and breastfeeding women
Infant and child nutrition